The story of Salvatore Aprea, among the protagonists of a 5-day event dedicated to taste

Today, the world of haute cuisine is no longer an elitist universe accessible only to a select few; even the most important and quoted chefs are not afraid to open up to initiatives open to the general public, to ensure that their cuisine, while remaining of the highest quality, is as “pop” as possible.

Our own Salvatore Aprea, along with the rest of the “Le collectionneurs” community of which he is a member, participated in early November in an exclusive event organized on Lake Garda, at the Grand Hotel Fasano, the Gardica Gourmet Festival. It was a five-day event punctuated by a series of dinners prepared four-handedly by the community’s chefs, culminating in a final evening with seven members of the group: Maurizio Bufi and Pasquale Tozzi, Nicola Annunziata, Peter Brunel, Emanuele Petrosino, master ice cream maker Sergio Dondoli and, of course, Salvatore Aprea of the “Da Tonino” restaurant.

In the final event held at the Grand Hotel Fasano, emblematically named “L’Albergo da gustare” each of them presided over one of the booths scattered in the various areas of the hotel and presented a dish, thus allowing visitors to access even areas where customers are not normally allowed to taste their culinary creations. Salvatore chose “Lampuga con mole caprese”, a Mexican sauce revisited with typical island ingredients.

It was a wonderful experience, as it was a time of sharing with so many other chefs and producers who attended the event” Salvatore says. “I think this is the real value of these initiatives: the chance to exchange points of view with other colleagues and meet people who live from the same work as you. As always in these moments, relationships arise with those who collaborate for the success of the event that transcend mere professional interest and become true friendships. You also have the opportunity to visit wineries and food and wine realities of the territory that hosts us; finally, I had the opportunity to admire beautiful locations on Lake Garda, places that have many aspects in common with Capri. Just think of the fact that this is the northernmost area in Italy where olive oil is produced!

After such an intense experience under the banner of teamwork and sharing, when you return home, having overcome the fatigue, you realize that there are many new ideas, and you can’t wait to get back to work to create original initiatives that bring value to the area and innovation to the world of cuisine. Always with the awareness of how important close contacts with other professionals in the sector are, because they give the possibility to activate new collaborations and synergies that really leave a tangible mark.

All we have to do is stay tuned to the “Le collectionneurs” community so that we can participate in their future events, always under the banner of good food and passion for hospitality.