Important news in the world of haute cuisine.

The chef group Le Collectionneurs, founded in 1975 as a community of independent hoteliers and restaurateurs, is opening a new chapter in its history, becoming Teritoria. A rebranding that represents the fulfillment of the group’s evolutionary journey toward sustainable hospitality. Their efforts revolve specifically in addressing 3 major challenges: reducing greenhouse gas emissions, improving working conditions, and preserving biodiversity. Regarding the first point, hoteliers and restaurateurs are committed to meeting it by calculating the “Carbon Footprint®” of their business, using the Clorofil calculator.

This change stems from a consideration: tourism today is experiencing a time of great change.

Therefore, it is important that we gain awareness that every trip has an impact in itself. And it is the responsibility of those working in this sector to strive for sustainable hospitality. The chosen name, “Teritoria,” thus acquires a double meaning: as the Earth, which needs to be taken care of, and as the territory, where the stories of these virtuous realities are born.

At the annual convention held in France, which was also attended by Salvatore Aprea, this important news was made official.

All members pledged, by the end of 2024, to be within the expected sustainability standards. At the meeting, the topics on the agenda were, in addition to the group’s new name of course, the new concept and the new course of the community. From there the party followed, in the Museum of Circus Rides and Arts in Paris, a truly impressive venue.

These moments are always precious,” Salvatore notes, “as they are occasions for associates to meet, where friends are reunited and future collaborations are envisaged.” The Paris convention saw all the group’s chefs meet; it will also be followed by an event in Italy, to be held near Biella.