When a lived experience holds great satisfaction, it is natural that the desire to repeat it comes.

And so, Salvatore and his staff, at the end of the season, left again this year for Lake Garda for the Gardica Gourmet Festival event, organized by Grand Hotel Fasano and Le Collectionneurs. The characteristics of the event remained the same as last year’s: a three-day celebration of haute cuisine and products from the Valtènesi region, the strip of land that stretches between the towns of Desenzano and Salò, on the Brescia side of Lake Garda. The closing evening was held right in the Grand Hotel Fasano, with lots of guests from all over Italy.

The entire hotel was open to the public and every area hosted booths, from the laundry to the gymnasium to the spa area.

We at the da Tonino restaurant presented a tostada of artemide rice with cicerchie hummus, coffee-marinated trout and local herbs. The concept behind the dish was to combine local products, such as chickling peas, with others from the Lake Garda area, such as precisely the trout and native herbs. Through this recipe we wanted to marry our culinary tradition to that of the place that hosted us.”

A guest for the second year in a row, Salvatore gladly returned to bring his contribution to the kermis.

Per lui il Gardica Gourmet Festival rappresenta un momento di condivisione con tanti altri chef e produttori, e allo stesso tempo una preziosa opportunità per trovare nuovi spunti e potenziali collaborazioni. “Il Grand Hotel Fasano è uno degli alberghi più belli d’Italia, una struttura eccellente, nella quale si sono create amicizie e sinergie sia dentro che al di fuori del lavoro. Per questo per me è sempre bello tornare e rivivere quei luoghi, conoscere altri colleghi, e soprattutto far conoscere in contesti differenti i sapori del nostro territorio”.