From Milan to San Gimignano, the chef of the restaurant “da Tonino” continues to carry the name of Capri. Those who live their work with passion never stop: he tries to set the bar always a little higher, without stopping facing new challenges and getting in the game.

This is what does the chef Salvatore Aprea who, between participation in events and refresher courses, has spent the last month of haute cuisine also to update and find new ideas. In Milan, Salvatore has been one of the protagonists of Identità Golose, an exhibition that offers the latest news from the world of gastronomy every year and hosts chefs from all over the world. An important part of the event is constituted by the stands of the various producers who present their novelties and their most important products; among these there were also Riso Buono, from which the restaurant da Tonino buys the grain that composes important dishes of its menu, and the Contadi Castaldi winery.

During the 3 days of the fair, these stands presented two chefs a day from the South, Central and Northern Italy and to them was commissioned the presentation of their personal recipe for a risotto.

The first day was the turn of Salvatore, who brought our island to the fair with a risotto with lobster alla caprese. The dish, prepared for selected guests, had a great response, and even some passers-by who, intrigued, approached the stand were lucky enough to taste it.

The chef Caprese explained the reasons why this experience was precious for him: “These initiatives are very important for many reasons: both because they give you the opportunity to meet new suppliers to start collaborations with, both for the opportunity to confront with other chefs, find friends, re-establish contacts with them and to keep updated about all new culinary trends. Moreover, in these events I always take the opportunity to introduce the restaurant “da Tonino” and bring a bit of Capri to the places where I am welcomed”.

Other important moments for those who work in a sector that is always evolving are the formative courses. And so, a few days after the event in Milan, Salvatore left for San Gimignano to attend an ice cream shop course with his colleagues from Les Collectionneurs. A course concentrated in a single day held by the master ice cream maker world champion Sergio Dondoli, joined by Sergio Colalucci.

“It was a really interesting experience, a very important educational opportunity, especially for the opportunity to see a master like Sergio Dondoli at work. It helped me to understand so many things about the world of ice cream that I did not know before, but now there will be a lot to study to put this knowledge in use and turn what I learned into an innovative product for the restaurant. The field of ice cream is parallel to that of cooking, which needs a lot of preparation, but I cannot wait to get to work and challenge myself in this world”.